public final class


extends Object

Class Overview

Builder to create a LineItem.


Public Methods
LineItem build()
LineItem.Builder setCurrencyCode(String currencyCode)
Sets the ISO 4217 currency code of the transaction.
LineItem.Builder setDescription(String description)
Sets the description of the line item.
LineItem.Builder setQuantity(String quantity)
Sets the number of items purchased.
LineItem.Builder setRole(int role)
Supply the role only to distinguish tax and shipping from regular items.
LineItem.Builder setTotalPrice(String totalPrice)
Sets the total price for this line item.
LineItem.Builder setUnitPrice(String unitPrice)
Sets the unit price per item.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public LineItem build ()

public LineItem.Builder setCurrencyCode (String currencyCode)

Sets the ISO 4217 currency code of the transaction.

public LineItem.Builder setDescription (String description)

Sets the description of the line item.

public LineItem.Builder setQuantity (String quantity)

Sets the number of items purchased. The format of this string follows the regex: [0-9]+(\.[0-9])?

public LineItem.Builder setRole (int role)

Supply the role only to distinguish tax and shipping from regular items. Valid values are defined in LineItem.Role. Defaults to REGULAR, indicating a regular item. Only one TAX entry is permitted.

See Also

public LineItem.Builder setTotalPrice (String totalPrice)

Sets the total price for this line item. The format of this string follows the regex: ^-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9][0-9])?

public LineItem.Builder setUnitPrice (String unitPrice)

Sets the unit price per item. The format of this string follows the regex: ^-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9][0-9])?