public final class


extends Object

Class Overview

Result codes that can be set as result in Activities from the Client UI started with startActivityForResult(Intent, int).


int RESULT_APP_MISCONFIGURED Result code sent back to the calling Activity when the game is not properly configured to access the Games service.
int RESULT_LEFT_ROOM Result code sent back to the calling Activity when the user explicitly chose to "leave the room" from the real-time multiplayer "waiting room" screen.
int RESULT_LICENSE_FAILED Result code sent back to the calling Activity when the game is not licensed to the user.
int RESULT_RECONNECT_REQUIRED Result code sent back to the calling Activity when a reconnect is required.
int RESULT_SIGN_IN_FAILED Result code sent back to the calling Activity when signing in fails.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final int RESULT_APP_MISCONFIGURED

Result code sent back to the calling Activity when the game is not properly configured to access the Games service. Developers should check the logs for more details.

Constant Value: 10004 (0x00002714)

public static final int RESULT_LEFT_ROOM

Result code sent back to the calling Activity when the user explicitly chose to "leave the room" from the real-time multiplayer "waiting room" screen. (Note that if the user simply exits the "waiting room" screen by pressing Back, that does not indicate that the user wants to leave the current room. The waiting room screen will return RESULT_CANCELED in that case.)

Constant Value: 10005 (0x00002715)

public static final int RESULT_LICENSE_FAILED

Result code sent back to the calling Activity when the game is not licensed to the user.

Constant Value: 10003 (0x00002713)

public static final int RESULT_RECONNECT_REQUIRED

Result code sent back to the calling Activity when a reconnect is required.

The GamesClient is in an inconsistent state and must reconnect to the service to resolve the issue. Further calls to the service using the current connection are unlikely to succeed.

Constant Value: 10001 (0x00002711)

public static final int RESULT_SIGN_IN_FAILED

Result code sent back to the calling Activity when signing in fails.

The attempt to sign in to the Games service failed. For example, this might happen if the network is flaky, or the user's account has been disabled, or consent could not be obtained.

Constant Value: 10002 (0x00002712)