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This section includes samples showing the use of the application
package features of the static support library fir API 13 or later.
- Action Bar Tabs Pager
- Demonstrates the use of fragments to implement switching between
ActionBar tabs, using a ViewPager to manager the fragments so that
the user can also fling left and right to switch tabs.
- Fragment Pager Support
- Demonstrates the use of the v4 support class ViewPager with a
FragmentPagerAdapter to build a user interface where the user can fling
left or right to switch between fragments.
- Fragment State Pager Support
- Demonstrates the use of the v4 support class ViewPager with a
FragmentStatePagerAdapter to build a user interface where the user can fling
left or right to switch between fragments. This versions of the adapter
doesn't keep around the fragment instances that ViewPager has destroyed.